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2024-06-21 23:07:37 +00:00
import { p as parseRequest, m as mergeDefaults, a as mapErrors, r as replaceInvalidDefaults, s as splitPath, t as traversePath, b as baseMemoize, S as SuperFormError, d as defaultValues, c as schemaShape, e as schemaInfo, f as merge$1 } from './index-DFEd82Gl.js';
import { f as fail$1 } from './index-Ddp2AB5f.js';
import { ZodFirstPartyTypeKind } from 'zod';
const ignoreOverride = Symbol("Let zodToJsonSchema decide on which parser to use");
const defaultOptions$1 = {
name: undefined,
$refStrategy: "root",
basePath: ["#"],
effectStrategy: "input",
pipeStrategy: "all",
dateStrategy: "format:date-time",
mapStrategy: "entries",
removeAdditionalStrategy: "passthrough",
definitionPath: "definitions",
target: "jsonSchema7",
strictUnions: false,
definitions: {},
errorMessages: false,
markdownDescription: false,
patternStrategy: "escape",
emailStrategy: "format:email",
base64Strategy: "contentEncoding:base64",
const getDefaultOptions = (options) => (typeof options === "string"
? {
name: options,
: {
const getRefs = (options) => {
const _options = getDefaultOptions(options);
const currentPath = !== undefined
? [..._options.basePath, _options.definitionPath,]
: _options.basePath;
return {
currentPath: currentPath,
propertyPath: undefined,
seen: new Map(Object.entries(_options.definitions).map(([name, def]) => [
def: def._def,
path: [..._options.basePath, _options.definitionPath, name],
// Resolution of references will be forced even though seen, so it's ok that the schema is undefined here for now.
jsonSchema: undefined,
function addErrorMessage(res, key, errorMessage, refs) {
if (!refs?.errorMessages)
if (errorMessage) {
res.errorMessage = {
[key]: errorMessage,
function setResponseValueAndErrors(res, key, value, errorMessage, refs) {
res[key] = value;
addErrorMessage(res, key, errorMessage, refs);
function parseAnyDef() {
return {};
function parseArrayDef(def, refs) {
const res = {
type: "array",
if (def.type?._def?.typeName !== ZodFirstPartyTypeKind.ZodAny) {
res.items = parseDef(def.type._def, {
currentPath: [...refs.currentPath, "items"],
if (def.minLength) {
setResponseValueAndErrors(res, "minItems", def.minLength.value, def.minLength.message, refs);
if (def.maxLength) {
setResponseValueAndErrors(res, "maxItems", def.maxLength.value, def.maxLength.message, refs);
if (def.exactLength) {
setResponseValueAndErrors(res, "minItems", def.exactLength.value, def.exactLength.message, refs);
setResponseValueAndErrors(res, "maxItems", def.exactLength.value, def.exactLength.message, refs);
return res;
function parseBigintDef(def, refs) {
const res = {
type: "integer",
format: "int64",
if (!def.checks)
return res;
for (const check of def.checks) {
switch (check.kind) {
case "min":
if ( === "jsonSchema7") {
if (check.inclusive) {
setResponseValueAndErrors(res, "minimum", check.value, check.message, refs);
else {
setResponseValueAndErrors(res, "exclusiveMinimum", check.value, check.message, refs);
else {
if (!check.inclusive) {
res.exclusiveMinimum = true;
setResponseValueAndErrors(res, "minimum", check.value, check.message, refs);
case "max":
if ( === "jsonSchema7") {
if (check.inclusive) {
setResponseValueAndErrors(res, "maximum", check.value, check.message, refs);
else {
setResponseValueAndErrors(res, "exclusiveMaximum", check.value, check.message, refs);
else {
if (!check.inclusive) {
res.exclusiveMaximum = true;
setResponseValueAndErrors(res, "maximum", check.value, check.message, refs);
case "multipleOf":
setResponseValueAndErrors(res, "multipleOf", check.value, check.message, refs);
return res;
function parseBooleanDef() {
return {
type: "boolean",
function parseBrandedDef(_def, refs) {
return parseDef(_def.type._def, refs);
const parseCatchDef = (def, refs) => {
return parseDef(def.innerType._def, refs);
function parseDateDef(def, refs, overrideDateStrategy) {
const strategy = overrideDateStrategy ?? refs.dateStrategy;
if (Array.isArray(strategy)) {
return {
anyOf:, i) => parseDateDef(def, refs, item)),
switch (strategy) {
case "string":
case "format:date-time":
return {
type: "string",
format: "date-time",
case "format:date":
return {
type: "string",
format: "date",
case "integer":
return integerDateParser(def, refs);
const integerDateParser = (def, refs) => {
const res = {
type: "integer",
format: "unix-time",
if ( === "openApi3") {
return res;
for (const check of def.checks) {
switch (check.kind) {
case "min":
setResponseValueAndErrors(res, "minimum", check.value, // This is in milliseconds
check.message, refs);
case "max":
setResponseValueAndErrors(res, "maximum", check.value, // This is in milliseconds
check.message, refs);
return res;
function parseDefaultDef(_def, refs) {
return {
...parseDef(_def.innerType._def, refs),
default: _def.defaultValue(),
function parseEffectsDef(_def, refs) {
return refs.effectStrategy === "input"
? parseDef(_def.schema._def, refs)
: {};
function parseEnumDef(def) {
return {
type: "string",
enum: def.values,
const isJsonSchema7AllOfType = (type) => {
if ("type" in type && type.type === "string")
return false;
return "allOf" in type;
function parseIntersectionDef(def, refs) {
const allOf = [
parseDef(def.left._def, {
currentPath: [...refs.currentPath, "allOf", "0"],
parseDef(def.right._def, {
currentPath: [...refs.currentPath, "allOf", "1"],
].filter((x) => !!x);
let unevaluatedProperties = === "jsonSchema2019-09"
? { unevaluatedProperties: false }
: undefined;
const mergedAllOf = [];
// If either of the schemas is an allOf, merge them into a single allOf
allOf.forEach((schema) => {
if (isJsonSchema7AllOfType(schema)) {
if (schema.unevaluatedProperties === undefined) {
// If one of the schemas has no unevaluatedProperties set,
// the merged schema should also have no unevaluatedProperties set
unevaluatedProperties = undefined;
else {
let nestedSchema = schema;
if ("additionalProperties" in schema &&
schema.additionalProperties === false) {
const { additionalProperties, } = schema;
nestedSchema = rest;
else {
// As soon as one of the schemas has additionalProperties set not to false, we allow unevaluatedProperties
unevaluatedProperties = undefined;
return mergedAllOf.length
? {
allOf: mergedAllOf,
: undefined;
function parseLiteralDef(def, refs) {
const parsedType = typeof def.value;
if (parsedType !== "bigint" &&
parsedType !== "number" &&
parsedType !== "boolean" &&
parsedType !== "string") {
return {
type: Array.isArray(def.value) ? "array" : "object",
if ( === "openApi3") {
return {
type: parsedType === "bigint" ? "integer" : parsedType,
enum: [def.value],
return {
type: parsedType === "bigint" ? "integer" : parsedType,
const: def.value,
* Generated from the .source property of regular expressins found here:
* Escapes have been doubled, and expressions with /i flag have been changed accordingly
const zodPatterns = {
* `c` was changed to `[cC]` to replicate /i flag
cuid: "^[cC][^\\s-]{8,}$",
cuid2: "^[a-z][a-z0-9]*$",
ulid: "^[0-9A-HJKMNP-TV-Z]{26}$",
* `a-z` was added to replicate /i flag
email: "^(?!\\.)(?!.*\\.\\.)([a-zA-Z0-9_+-\\.]*)[a-zA-Z0-9_+-]@([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9\\-]*\\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}$",
emoji: "^(\\p{Extended_Pictographic}|\\p{Emoji_Component})+$",
* Unused
uuid: "^[0-9a-fA-F]{8}\\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}\\b-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$",
* Unused
ipv4: "^(((25[0-5])|(2[0-4][0-9])|(1[0-9]{2})|([0-9]{1,2}))\\.){3}((25[0-5])|(2[0-4][0-9])|(1[0-9]{2})|([0-9]{1,2}))$",
* Unused
ipv6: "^(([a-f0-9]{1,4}:){7}|::([a-f0-9]{1,4}:){0,6}|([a-f0-9]{1,4}:){1}:([a-f0-9]{1,4}:){0,5}|([a-f0-9]{1,4}:){2}:([a-f0-9]{1,4}:){0,4}|([a-f0-9]{1,4}:){3}:([a-f0-9]{1,4}:){0,3}|([a-f0-9]{1,4}:){4}:([a-f0-9]{1,4}:){0,2}|([a-f0-9]{1,4}:){5}:([a-f0-9]{1,4}:){0,1})([a-f0-9]{1,4}|(((25[0-5])|(2[0-4][0-9])|(1[0-9]{2})|([0-9]{1,2}))\\.){3}((25[0-5])|(2[0-4][0-9])|(1[0-9]{2})|([0-9]{1,2})))$",
base64: "^([0-9a-zA-Z+/]{4})*(([0-9a-zA-Z+/]{2}==)|([0-9a-zA-Z+/]{3}=))?$",
nanoid: "^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{21}$",
function parseStringDef(def, refs) {
const res = {
type: "string",
function processPattern(value) {
return refs.patternStrategy === "escape"
? escapeNonAlphaNumeric(value)
: value;
if (def.checks) {
for (const check of def.checks) {
switch (check.kind) {
case "min":
setResponseValueAndErrors(res, "minLength", typeof res.minLength === "number"
? Math.max(res.minLength, check.value)
: check.value, check.message, refs);
case "max":
setResponseValueAndErrors(res, "maxLength", typeof res.maxLength === "number"
? Math.min(res.maxLength, check.value)
: check.value, check.message, refs);
case "email":
switch (refs.emailStrategy) {
case "format:email":
addFormat(res, "email", check.message, refs);
case "format:idn-email":
addFormat(res, "idn-email", check.message, refs);
case "pattern:zod":
addPattern(res,, check.message, refs);
case "url":
addFormat(res, "uri", check.message, refs);
case "uuid":
addFormat(res, "uuid", check.message, refs);
case "regex":
addPattern(res, check.regex.source, check.message, refs);
case "cuid":
addPattern(res, zodPatterns.cuid, check.message, refs);
case "cuid2":
addPattern(res, zodPatterns.cuid2, check.message, refs);
case "startsWith":
addPattern(res, "^" + processPattern(check.value), check.message, refs);
case "endsWith":
addPattern(res, processPattern(check.value) + "$", check.message, refs);
case "datetime":
addFormat(res, "date-time", check.message, refs);
case "date":
addFormat(res, "date", check.message, refs);
case "time":
addFormat(res, "time", check.message, refs);
case "duration":
addFormat(res, "duration", check.message, refs);
case "length":
setResponseValueAndErrors(res, "minLength", typeof res.minLength === "number"
? Math.max(res.minLength, check.value)
: check.value, check.message, refs);
setResponseValueAndErrors(res, "maxLength", typeof res.maxLength === "number"
? Math.min(res.maxLength, check.value)
: check.value, check.message, refs);
case "includes": {
addPattern(res, processPattern(check.value), check.message, refs);
case "ip": {
if (check.version !== "v6") {
addFormat(res, "ipv4", check.message, refs);
if (check.version !== "v4") {
addFormat(res, "ipv6", check.message, refs);
case "emoji":
addPattern(res, zodPatterns.emoji, check.message, refs);
case "ulid": {
addPattern(res, zodPatterns.ulid, check.message, refs);
case "base64": {
switch (refs.base64Strategy) {
case "format:binary": {
addFormat(res, "binary", check.message, refs);
case "contentEncoding:base64": {
setResponseValueAndErrors(res, "contentEncoding", "base64", check.message, refs);
case "pattern:zod": {
addPattern(res, zodPatterns.base64, check.message, refs);
case "nanoid": {
addPattern(res, zodPatterns.nanoid, check.message, refs);
return res;
const escapeNonAlphaNumeric = (value) => Array.from(value)
.map((c) => (/[a-zA-Z0-9]/.test(c) ? c : `\\${c}`))
const addFormat = (schema, value, message, refs) => {
if (schema.format || schema.anyOf?.some((x) => x.format)) {
if (!schema.anyOf) {
schema.anyOf = [];
if (schema.format) {
format: schema.format,
...(schema.errorMessage &&
refs.errorMessages && {
errorMessage: { format: schema.errorMessage.format },
delete schema.format;
if (schema.errorMessage) {
delete schema.errorMessage.format;
if (Object.keys(schema.errorMessage).length === 0) {
delete schema.errorMessage;
format: value,
...(message &&
refs.errorMessages && { errorMessage: { format: message } }),
else {
setResponseValueAndErrors(schema, "format", value, message, refs);
const addPattern = (schema, value, message, refs) => {
if (schema.pattern || schema.allOf?.some((x) => x.pattern)) {
if (!schema.allOf) {
schema.allOf = [];
if (schema.pattern) {
pattern: schema.pattern,
...(schema.errorMessage &&
refs.errorMessages && {
errorMessage: { pattern: schema.errorMessage.pattern },
delete schema.pattern;
if (schema.errorMessage) {
delete schema.errorMessage.pattern;
if (Object.keys(schema.errorMessage).length === 0) {
delete schema.errorMessage;
pattern: value,
...(message &&
refs.errorMessages && { errorMessage: { pattern: message } }),
else {
setResponseValueAndErrors(schema, "pattern", value, message, refs);
function parseRecordDef(def, refs) {
if ( === "openApi3" &&
def.keyType?._def.typeName === ZodFirstPartyTypeKind.ZodEnum) {
return {
type: "object",
required: def.keyType._def.values,
properties: def.keyType._def.values.reduce((acc, key) => ({
[key]: parseDef(def.valueType._def, {
currentPath: [...refs.currentPath, "properties", key],
}) ?? {},
}), {}),
additionalProperties: false,
const schema = {
type: "object",
additionalProperties: parseDef(def.valueType._def, {
currentPath: [...refs.currentPath, "additionalProperties"],
}) ?? {},
if ( === "openApi3") {
return schema;
if (def.keyType?._def.typeName === ZodFirstPartyTypeKind.ZodString &&
def.keyType._def.checks?.length) {
const keyType = Object.entries(parseStringDef(def.keyType._def, refs)).reduce((acc, [key, value]) => (key === "type" ? acc : { ...acc, [key]: value }), {});
return {
propertyNames: keyType,
else if (def.keyType?._def.typeName === ZodFirstPartyTypeKind.ZodEnum) {
return {
propertyNames: {
enum: def.keyType._def.values,
return schema;
function parseMapDef(def, refs) {
if (refs.mapStrategy === "record") {
return parseRecordDef(def, refs);
const keys = parseDef(def.keyType._def, {
currentPath: [...refs.currentPath, "items", "items", "0"],
}) || {};
const values = parseDef(def.valueType._def, {
currentPath: [...refs.currentPath, "items", "items", "1"],
}) || {};
return {
type: "array",
maxItems: 125,
items: {
type: "array",
items: [keys, values],
minItems: 2,
maxItems: 2,
function parseNativeEnumDef(def) {
const object = def.values;
const actualKeys = Object.keys(def.values).filter((key) => {
return typeof object[object[key]] !== "number";
const actualValues = => object[key]);
const parsedTypes = Array.from(new Set( => typeof values)));
return {
type: parsedTypes.length === 1
? parsedTypes[0] === "string"
? "string"
: "number"
: ["string", "number"],
enum: actualValues,
function parseNeverDef() {
return {
not: {},
function parseNullDef(refs) {
return === "openApi3"
? {
enum: ["null"],
nullable: true,
: {
type: "null",
const primitiveMappings = {
ZodString: "string",
ZodNumber: "number",
ZodBigInt: "integer",
ZodBoolean: "boolean",
ZodNull: "null",
function parseUnionDef(def, refs) {
if ( === "openApi3")
return asAnyOf(def, refs);
const options = def.options instanceof Map ? Array.from(def.options.values()) : def.options;
// This blocks tries to look ahead a bit to produce nicer looking schemas with type array instead of anyOf.
if (options.every((x) => x._def.typeName in primitiveMappings &&
(!x._def.checks || !x._def.checks.length))) {
// all types in union are primitive and lack checks, so might as well squash into {type: [...]}
const types = options.reduce((types, x) => {
const type = primitiveMappings[x._def.typeName]; //Can be safely casted due to row 43
return type && !types.includes(type) ? [...types, type] : types;
}, []);
return {
type: types.length > 1 ? types : types[0],
else if (options.every((x) => x._def.typeName === "ZodLiteral" && !x.description)) {
// all options literals
const types = options.reduce((acc, x) => {
const type = typeof x._def.value;
switch (type) {
case "string":
case "number":
case "boolean":
return [...acc, type];
case "bigint":
return [...acc, "integer"];
case "object":
if (x._def.value === null)
return [...acc, "null"];
case "symbol":
case "undefined":
case "function":
return acc;
}, []);
if (types.length === options.length) {
// all the literals are primitive, as far as null can be considered primitive
const uniqueTypes = types.filter((x, i, a) => a.indexOf(x) === i);
return {
type: uniqueTypes.length > 1 ? uniqueTypes : uniqueTypes[0],
enum: options.reduce((acc, x) => {
return acc.includes(x._def.value) ? acc : [...acc, x._def.value];
}, []),
else if (options.every((x) => x._def.typeName === "ZodEnum")) {
return {
type: "string",
enum: options.reduce((acc, x) => [
...x._def.values.filter((x) => !acc.includes(x)),
], []),
return asAnyOf(def, refs);
const asAnyOf = (def, refs) => {
const anyOf = (def.options instanceof Map
? Array.from(def.options.values())
: def.options)
.map((x, i) => parseDef(x._def, {
currentPath: [...refs.currentPath, "anyOf", `${i}`],
.filter((x) => !!x &&
(!refs.strictUnions ||
(typeof x === "object" && Object.keys(x).length > 0)));
return anyOf.length ? { anyOf } : undefined;
function parseNullableDef(def, refs) {
if (["ZodString", "ZodNumber", "ZodBigInt", "ZodBoolean", "ZodNull"].includes(def.innerType._def.typeName) &&
(!def.innerType._def.checks || !def.innerType._def.checks.length)) {
if ( === "openApi3") {
return {
type: primitiveMappings[def.innerType._def.typeName],
nullable: true,
return {
type: [
if ( === "openApi3") {
const base = parseDef(def.innerType._def, {
currentPath: [...refs.currentPath],
if (base && '$ref' in base)
return { allOf: [base], nullable: true };
return base && { ...base, nullable: true };
const base = parseDef(def.innerType._def, {
currentPath: [...refs.currentPath, "anyOf", "0"],
return base && { anyOf: [base, { type: "null" }] };
function parseNumberDef(def, refs) {
const res = {
type: "number",
if (!def.checks)
return res;
for (const check of def.checks) {
switch (check.kind) {
case "int":
res.type = "integer";
addErrorMessage(res, "type", check.message, refs);
case "min":
if ( === "jsonSchema7") {
if (check.inclusive) {
setResponseValueAndErrors(res, "minimum", check.value, check.message, refs);
else {
setResponseValueAndErrors(res, "exclusiveMinimum", check.value, check.message, refs);
else {
if (!check.inclusive) {
res.exclusiveMinimum = true;
setResponseValueAndErrors(res, "minimum", check.value, check.message, refs);
case "max":
if ( === "jsonSchema7") {
if (check.inclusive) {
setResponseValueAndErrors(res, "maximum", check.value, check.message, refs);
else {
setResponseValueAndErrors(res, "exclusiveMaximum", check.value, check.message, refs);
else {
if (!check.inclusive) {
res.exclusiveMaximum = true;
setResponseValueAndErrors(res, "maximum", check.value, check.message, refs);
case "multipleOf":
setResponseValueAndErrors(res, "multipleOf", check.value, check.message, refs);
return res;
function decideAdditionalProperties(def, refs) {
if (refs.removeAdditionalStrategy === "strict") {
return def.catchall._def.typeName === "ZodNever"
? def.unknownKeys !== "strict"
: parseDef(def.catchall._def, {
currentPath: [...refs.currentPath, "additionalProperties"],
}) ?? true;
else {
return def.catchall._def.typeName === "ZodNever"
? def.unknownKeys === "passthrough"
: parseDef(def.catchall._def, {
currentPath: [...refs.currentPath, "additionalProperties"],
}) ?? true;
function parseObjectDef(def, refs) {
const result = {
type: "object",
...Object.entries(def.shape()).reduce((acc, [propName, propDef]) => {
if (propDef === undefined || propDef._def === undefined)
return acc;
const parsedDef = parseDef(propDef._def, {
currentPath: [...refs.currentPath, "properties", propName],
propertyPath: [...refs.currentPath, "properties", propName],
if (parsedDef === undefined)
return acc;
return {
properties: {, [propName]: parsedDef },
required: propDef.isOptional()
? acc.required
: [...acc.required, propName],
}, { properties: {}, required: [] }),
additionalProperties: decideAdditionalProperties(def, refs),
if (!result.required.length)
delete result.required;
return result;
const parseOptionalDef = (def, refs) => {
if (refs.currentPath.toString() === refs.propertyPath?.toString()) {
return parseDef(def.innerType._def, refs);
const innerSchema = parseDef(def.innerType._def, {
currentPath: [...refs.currentPath, "anyOf", "1"],
return innerSchema
? {
anyOf: [
not: {},
: {};
const parsePipelineDef = (def, refs) => {
if (refs.pipeStrategy === "input") {
return parseDef(, refs);
else if (refs.pipeStrategy === "output") {
return parseDef(def.out._def, refs);
const a = parseDef(, {
currentPath: [...refs.currentPath, "allOf", "0"],
const b = parseDef(def.out._def, {
currentPath: [...refs.currentPath, "allOf", a ? "1" : "0"],
return {
allOf: [a, b].filter((x) => x !== undefined),
function parsePromiseDef(def, refs) {
return parseDef(def.type._def, refs);
function parseSetDef(def, refs) {
const items = parseDef(def.valueType._def, {
currentPath: [...refs.currentPath, "items"],
const schema = {
type: "array",
uniqueItems: true,
if (def.minSize) {
setResponseValueAndErrors(schema, "minItems", def.minSize.value, def.minSize.message, refs);
if (def.maxSize) {
setResponseValueAndErrors(schema, "maxItems", def.maxSize.value, def.maxSize.message, refs);
return schema;
function parseTupleDef(def, refs) {
if ( {
return {
type: "array",
minItems: def.items.length,
items: def.items
.map((x, i) => parseDef(x._def, {
currentPath: [...refs.currentPath, "items", `${i}`],
.reduce((acc, x) => (x === undefined ? acc : [...acc, x]), []),
additionalItems: parseDef(, {
currentPath: [...refs.currentPath, "additionalItems"],
else {
return {
type: "array",
minItems: def.items.length,
maxItems: def.items.length,
items: def.items
.map((x, i) => parseDef(x._def, {
currentPath: [...refs.currentPath, "items", `${i}`],
.reduce((acc, x) => (x === undefined ? acc : [...acc, x]), []),
function parseUndefinedDef() {
return {
not: {},
function parseUnknownDef() {
return {};
const parseReadonlyDef = (def, refs) => {
return parseDef(def.innerType._def, refs);
function parseDef(def, refs, forceResolution = false) {
const seenItem = refs.seen.get(def);
if (refs.override) {
const overrideResult = refs.override?.(def, refs, seenItem, forceResolution);
if (overrideResult !== ignoreOverride) {
return overrideResult;
if (seenItem && !forceResolution) {
const seenSchema = get$ref(seenItem, refs);
if (seenSchema !== undefined) {
return seenSchema;
const newItem = { def, path: refs.currentPath, jsonSchema: undefined };
refs.seen.set(def, newItem);
const jsonSchema = selectParser(def, def.typeName, refs);
if (jsonSchema) {
addMeta(def, refs, jsonSchema);
newItem.jsonSchema = jsonSchema;
return jsonSchema;
const get$ref = (item, refs) => {
switch (refs.$refStrategy) {
case "root":
return { $ref: item.path.join("/") };
case "relative":
return { $ref: getRelativePath(refs.currentPath, item.path) };
case "none":
case "seen": {
if (item.path.length < refs.currentPath.length &&
item.path.every((value, index) => refs.currentPath[index] === value)) {
console.warn(`Recursive reference detected at ${refs.currentPath.join("/")}! Defaulting to any`);
return {};
return refs.$refStrategy === "seen" ? {} : undefined;
const getRelativePath = (pathA, pathB) => {
let i = 0;
for (; i < pathA.length && i < pathB.length; i++) {
if (pathA[i] !== pathB[i])
return [(pathA.length - i).toString(), ...pathB.slice(i)].join("/");
const selectParser = (def, typeName, refs) => {
switch (typeName) {
case ZodFirstPartyTypeKind.ZodString:
return parseStringDef(def, refs);
case ZodFirstPartyTypeKind.ZodNumber:
return parseNumberDef(def, refs);
case ZodFirstPartyTypeKind.ZodObject:
return parseObjectDef(def, refs);
case ZodFirstPartyTypeKind.ZodBigInt:
return parseBigintDef(def, refs);
case ZodFirstPartyTypeKind.ZodBoolean:
return parseBooleanDef();
case ZodFirstPartyTypeKind.ZodDate:
return parseDateDef(def, refs);
case ZodFirstPartyTypeKind.ZodUndefined:
return parseUndefinedDef();
case ZodFirstPartyTypeKind.ZodNull:
return parseNullDef(refs);
case ZodFirstPartyTypeKind.ZodArray:
return parseArrayDef(def, refs);
case ZodFirstPartyTypeKind.ZodUnion:
case ZodFirstPartyTypeKind.ZodDiscriminatedUnion:
return parseUnionDef(def, refs);
case ZodFirstPartyTypeKind.ZodIntersection:
return parseIntersectionDef(def, refs);
case ZodFirstPartyTypeKind.ZodTuple:
return parseTupleDef(def, refs);
case ZodFirstPartyTypeKind.ZodRecord:
return parseRecordDef(def, refs);
case ZodFirstPartyTypeKind.ZodLiteral:
return parseLiteralDef(def, refs);
case ZodFirstPartyTypeKind.ZodEnum:
return parseEnumDef(def);
case ZodFirstPartyTypeKind.ZodNativeEnum:
return parseNativeEnumDef(def);
case ZodFirstPartyTypeKind.ZodNullable:
return parseNullableDef(def, refs);
case ZodFirstPartyTypeKind.ZodOptional:
return parseOptionalDef(def, refs);
case ZodFirstPartyTypeKind.ZodMap:
return parseMapDef(def, refs);
case ZodFirstPartyTypeKind.ZodSet:
return parseSetDef(def, refs);
case ZodFirstPartyTypeKind.ZodLazy:
return parseDef(def.getter()._def, refs);
case ZodFirstPartyTypeKind.ZodPromise:
return parsePromiseDef(def, refs);
case ZodFirstPartyTypeKind.ZodNaN:
case ZodFirstPartyTypeKind.ZodNever:
return parseNeverDef();
case ZodFirstPartyTypeKind.ZodEffects:
return parseEffectsDef(def, refs);
case ZodFirstPartyTypeKind.ZodAny:
return parseAnyDef();
case ZodFirstPartyTypeKind.ZodUnknown:
return parseUnknownDef();
case ZodFirstPartyTypeKind.ZodDefault:
return parseDefaultDef(def, refs);
case ZodFirstPartyTypeKind.ZodBranded:
return parseBrandedDef(def, refs);
case ZodFirstPartyTypeKind.ZodReadonly:
return parseReadonlyDef(def, refs);
case ZodFirstPartyTypeKind.ZodCatch:
return parseCatchDef(def, refs);
case ZodFirstPartyTypeKind.ZodPipeline:
return parsePipelineDef(def, refs);
case ZodFirstPartyTypeKind.ZodFunction:
case ZodFirstPartyTypeKind.ZodVoid:
case ZodFirstPartyTypeKind.ZodSymbol:
return undefined;
return ((_) => undefined)();
const addMeta = (def, refs, jsonSchema) => {
if (def.description) {
jsonSchema.description = def.description;
if (refs.markdownDescription) {
jsonSchema.markdownDescription = def.description;
return jsonSchema;
const zodToJsonSchema = (schema, options) => {
const refs = getRefs(options);
const definitions = typeof options === "object" && options.definitions
? Object.entries(options.definitions).reduce((acc, [name, schema]) => ({
[name]: parseDef(schema._def, {
currentPath: [...refs.basePath, refs.definitionPath, name],
}, true) ?? {},
}), {})
: undefined;
const name = typeof options === "string" ? options : options?.name;
const main = parseDef(schema._def, name === undefined
? refs
: {
currentPath: [...refs.basePath, refs.definitionPath, name],
}, false) ?? {};
const combined = name === undefined
? definitions
? {
[refs.definitionPath]: definitions,
: main
: {
$ref: [
...(refs.$refStrategy === "relative" ? [] : refs.basePath),
[refs.definitionPath]: {
[name]: main,
if ( === "jsonSchema7") {
combined.$schema = "";
else if ( === "jsonSchema2019-09") {
combined.$schema = "";
return combined;
async function superValidate(data, adapter, options) {
if (data && "superFormValidationLibrary" in data) {
options = adapter;
adapter = data;
data = void 0;
const validator = adapter;
const defaults = options?.defaults ?? validator.defaults;
const jsonSchema = validator.jsonSchema;
const parsed = await parseRequest(data, jsonSchema, options);
const addErrors = options?.errors ?? (options?.strict ? true : !!;
const parsedData = options?.strict ? ?? {} : mergeDefaults(, defaults);
let status;
if (!! || addErrors) {
status = await /* @__PURE__ */ validator.validate(parsedData);
} else {
status = { success: false, issues: [] };
const valid = status.success;
const errors = valid || !addErrors ? {} : mapErrors(status.issues, validator.shape);
const dataWithDefaults = valid ? : replaceInvalidDefaults(options?.strict ? mergeDefaults(parsedData, defaults) : parsedData, defaults, jsonSchema, status.issues, options?.preprocessed);
let outputData;
if (jsonSchema.additionalProperties === false) {
outputData = {};
for (const key of Object.keys( ?? {})) {
if (key in dataWithDefaults)
outputData[key] = dataWithDefaults[key];
} else {
outputData = dataWithDefaults;
const output = {
id: ?? options?.id ??,
posted: parsed.posted,
data: outputData
if (!parsed.posted) {
output.constraints = validator.constraints;
if (Object.keys(validator.shape).length) {
output.shape = validator.shape;
return output;
function setError(form, path, error, options) {
if (error == void 0 || typeof error !== "string" && !Array.isArray(error)) {
options = error;
error = path;
path = "";
if (options === void 0)
options = {};
const errArr = Array.isArray(error) ? error : [error];
if (!form.errors)
form.errors = {};
if (path === null || path === "") {
if (!form.errors._errors)
form.errors._errors = [];
form.errors._errors = options.overwrite ? errArr : form.errors._errors.concat(errArr);
} else {
const realPath = splitPath(path);
const leaf = traversePath(form.errors, realPath, ({ parent, key, value }) => {
if (value === void 0)
parent[key] = {};
return parent[key];
if (leaf) {
leaf.parent[leaf.key] = Array.isArray(leaf.value) && !options.overwrite ? leaf.value.concat(errArr) : errArr;
form.valid = false;
const output = options.removeFiles === false ? { form } : withFiles({ form });
return fail$1(options.status ?? 400, output);
function withFiles(obj) {
if (typeof obj !== "object")
return obj;
for (const key in obj) {
const value = obj[key];
if (value instanceof File)
delete obj[key];
else if (value && typeof value === "object")
return obj;
const removeFiles = withFiles;
function fail(status, data) {
function checkForm(data2) {
return !!data2 && typeof data2 === "object" && "valid" in data2 && "data" in data2 && "id" in data2;
function checkObj(data2) {
if (data2 && typeof data2 === "object") {
for (const key in data2) {
const v = data2[key];
if (checkForm(v)) {
v.valid = false;
} else if (v && typeof v === "object") {
return data2;
return fail$1(status, checkObj(data));
function constraints(schema) {
return _constraints(schemaInfo(schema, false, []), []);
function merge(...constraints2) {
const filtered = constraints2.filter((c) => !!c);
if (!filtered.length)
return void 0;
if (filtered.length == 1)
return filtered[0];
return merge$1(...filtered);
function _constraints(info, path) {
if (!info)
return void 0;
let output = void 0;
if (info.union && info.union.length) {
const infos = => schemaInfo(s, info.isOptional, path));
const merged = => _constraints(i, path));
output = merge(output, ...merged);
if (output && (info.isNullable || info.isOptional || infos.some((i) => i?.isNullable || i?.isOptional))) {
delete output.required;
if (info.array) {
output = merge(output, => _constraints(schemaInfo(i, info.isOptional, path), path)));
if ( {
const obj = {};
for (const [key, prop] of Object.entries( {
const propInfo = schemaInfo(prop, !info.required?.includes(key) || prop.default !== void 0, [key]);
const propConstraint = _constraints(propInfo, [...path, key]);
if (typeof propConstraint === "object" && Object.values(propConstraint).length > 0) {
obj[key] = propConstraint;
output = merge(output, obj);
return output ?? constraint(info);
function constraint(info) {
const output = {};
const schema = info.schema;
const type = schema.type;
const format = schema.format;
if (type == "integer" && format == "unix-time") {
const date = schema;
if (date.minimum !== void 0)
output.min = new Date(date.minimum).toISOString();
if (date.maximum !== void 0)
output.max = new Date(date.maximum).toISOString();
} else if (type == "string") {
const str = schema;
const patterns = [
...str.allOf ? => typeof s == "boolean" ? void 0 : s.pattern) : []
].filter((s) => s !== void 0);
if (patterns.length > 0)
output.pattern = patterns[0];
if (str.minLength !== void 0)
output.minlength = str.minLength;
if (str.maxLength !== void 0)
output.maxlength = str.maxLength;
} else if (type == "number" || type == "integer") {
const num = schema;
if (num.minimum !== void 0)
output.min = num.minimum;
else if (num.exclusiveMinimum !== void 0)
output.min = num.exclusiveMinimum + (type == "integer" ? 1 : Number.MIN_VALUE);
if (num.maximum !== void 0)
output.max = num.maximum;
else if (num.exclusiveMaximum !== void 0)
output.max = num.exclusiveMaximum - (type == "integer" ? 1 : Number.MIN_VALUE);
if (num.multipleOf !== void 0)
output.step = num.multipleOf;
} else if (type == "array") {
const arr = schema;
if (arr.minItems !== void 0)
output.min = arr.minItems;
if (arr.maxItems !== void 0)
output.max = arr.maxItems;
if (!info.isNullable && !info.isOptional) {
output.required = true;
return Object.keys(output).length > 0 ? output : void 0;
function schemaHash(schema) {
return hashCode(_schemaHash(schemaInfo(schema, false, []), 0, []));
function _schemaHash(info, depth, path) {
if (!info)
return "";
function tab() {
return " ".repeat(depth);
function mapSchemas(schemas) {
return => _schemaHash(schemaInfo(s, info?.isOptional ?? false, path), depth + 1, path)).filter((s) => s).join("|");
function nullish() {
const output = [];
if (info?.isNullable)
if (info?.isOptional)
return !output.length ? "" : "|" + output.join("|");
if (info.union) {
return "Union {\n " + tab() + mapSchemas(info.union) + "\n" + tab() + "}" + nullish();
if ( {
const output = [];
for (const [key, prop] of Object.entries( {
const propInfo = schemaInfo(prop, !info.required?.includes(key) || prop.default !== void 0, [key]);
output.push(key + ": " + _schemaHash(propInfo, depth + 1, path));
return "Object {\n " + tab() + output.join(",\n ") + "\n" + tab() + "}" + nullish();
if (info.array) {
return "Array[" + mapSchemas(info.array) + "]" + nullish();
return info.types.join("|") + nullish();
function hashCode(str) {
let hash = 0;
for (let i = 0, len = str.length; i < len; i++) {
const chr = str.charCodeAt(i);
hash = (hash << 5) - hash + chr;
hash |= 0;
if (hash < 0)
hash = hash >>> 0;
return hash.toString(36);
function createAdapter(adapter, jsonSchema) {
if (!adapter || !("superFormValidationLibrary" in adapter)) {
throw new SuperFormError('Superforms v2 requires a validation adapter for the schema. Import one of your choice from "sveltekit-superforms/adapters" and wrap the schema with it.');
if (!jsonSchema)
jsonSchema = adapter.jsonSchema;
return {
constraints: adapter.constraints ?? constraints(jsonSchema),
defaults: adapter.defaults ?? defaultValues(jsonSchema),
shape: schemaShape(jsonSchema),
id: schemaHash(jsonSchema)
const memoize = baseMemoize;
const defaultOptions = {
dateStrategy: "integer",
pipeStrategy: "output",
$refStrategy: "none"
const zodToJSONSchema = /* @__NO_SIDE_EFFECTS__ */ (...params) => {
params[1] = typeof params[1] == "object" ? { ...defaultOptions, ...params[1] } : defaultOptions;
return zodToJsonSchema(...params);
async function validate(schema, data) {
const result = await schema.safeParseAsync(data);
if (result.success) {
return {
success: true
return {
issues:{ message, path }) => ({ message, path })),
success: false
function _zod(schema, options) {
return /* @__PURE__ */ createAdapter({
superFormValidationLibrary: "zod",
validate: async (data) => validate(schema, data),
jsonSchema: options?.jsonSchema ?? /* @__PURE__ */ zodToJSONSchema(schema, options?.config),
defaults: options?.defaults
function _zodClient(schema) {
return {
superFormValidationLibrary: "zod",
validate: async (data) => validate(schema, data)
const zod = /* @__PURE__ */ memoize(_zod);
const zodClient = /* @__PURE__ */ memoize(_zodClient);
export { setError as a, zodClient as b, fail as f, superValidate as s, zod as z };