const BROWSER = false; const DEV = false; /** @type {Record} */ const escaped = { '<': '\\u003C', '\\': '\\\\', '\b': '\\b', '\f': '\\f', '\n': '\\n', '\r': '\\r', '\t': '\\t', '\u2028': '\\u2028', '\u2029': '\\u2029' }; class DevalueError extends Error { /** * @param {string} message * @param {string[]} keys */ constructor(message, keys) { super(message); = 'DevalueError'; this.path = keys.join(''); } } /** @param {any} thing */ function is_primitive(thing) { return Object(thing) !== thing; } const object_proto_names = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.getOwnPropertyNames( Object.prototype ) .sort() .join('\0'); /** @param {any} thing */ function is_plain_object(thing) { const proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(thing); return ( proto === Object.prototype || proto === null || Object.getOwnPropertyNames(proto).sort().join('\0') === object_proto_names ); } /** @param {any} thing */ function get_type(thing) { return, -1); } /** @param {string} char */ function get_escaped_char(char) { switch (char) { case '"': return '\\"'; case '<': return '\\u003C'; case '\\': return '\\\\'; case '\n': return '\\n'; case '\r': return '\\r'; case '\t': return '\\t'; case '\b': return '\\b'; case '\f': return '\\f'; case '\u2028': return '\\u2028'; case '\u2029': return '\\u2029'; default: return char < ' ' ? `\\u${char.charCodeAt(0).toString(16).padStart(4, '0')}` : ''; } } /** @param {string} str */ function stringify_string(str) { let result = ''; let last_pos = 0; const len = str.length; for (let i = 0; i < len; i += 1) { const char = str[i]; const replacement = get_escaped_char(char); if (replacement) { result += str.slice(last_pos, i) + replacement; last_pos = i + 1; } } return `"${last_pos === 0 ? str : result + str.slice(last_pos)}"`; } /** @param {Record} object */ function enumerable_symbols(object) { return Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(object).filter( (symbol) => Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, symbol).enumerable ); } const UNDEFINED = -1; const HOLE = -2; const NAN = -3; const POSITIVE_INFINITY = -4; const NEGATIVE_INFINITY = -5; const NEGATIVE_ZERO = -6; /** * Turn a value into a JSON string that can be parsed with `devalue.parse` * @param {any} value * @param {Record any>} [reducers] */ function stringify(value, reducers) { /** @type {any[]} */ const stringified = []; /** @type {Map} */ const indexes = new Map(); /** @type {Array<{ key: string, fn: (value: any) => any }>} */ const custom = []; for (const key in reducers) { custom.push({ key, fn: reducers[key] }); } /** @type {string[]} */ const keys = []; let p = 0; /** @param {any} thing */ function flatten(thing) { if (typeof thing === 'function') { throw new DevalueError(`Cannot stringify a function`, keys); } if (indexes.has(thing)) return indexes.get(thing); if (thing === undefined) return UNDEFINED; if (Number.isNaN(thing)) return NAN; if (thing === Infinity) return POSITIVE_INFINITY; if (thing === -Infinity) return NEGATIVE_INFINITY; if (thing === 0 && 1 / thing < 0) return NEGATIVE_ZERO; const index = p++; indexes.set(thing, index); for (const { key, fn } of custom) { const value = fn(thing); if (value) { stringified[index] = `["${key}",${flatten(value)}]`; return index; } } let str = ''; if (is_primitive(thing)) { str = stringify_primitive(thing); } else { const type = get_type(thing); switch (type) { case 'Number': case 'String': case 'Boolean': str = `["Object",${stringify_primitive(thing)}]`; break; case 'BigInt': str = `["BigInt",${thing}]`; break; case 'Date': const valid = !isNaN(thing.getDate()); str = `["Date","${valid ? thing.toISOString() : ''}"]`; break; case 'RegExp': const { source, flags } = thing; str = flags ? `["RegExp",${stringify_string(source)},"${flags}"]` : `["RegExp",${stringify_string(source)}]`; break; case 'Array': str = '['; for (let i = 0; i < thing.length; i += 1) { if (i > 0) str += ','; if (i in thing) { keys.push(`[${i}]`); str += flatten(thing[i]); keys.pop(); } else { str += HOLE; } } str += ']'; break; case 'Set': str = '["Set"'; for (const value of thing) { str += `,${flatten(value)}`; } str += ']'; break; case 'Map': str = '["Map"'; for (const [key, value] of thing) { keys.push( `.get(${is_primitive(key) ? stringify_primitive(key) : '...'})` ); str += `,${flatten(key)},${flatten(value)}`; keys.pop(); } str += ']'; break; default: if (!is_plain_object(thing)) { throw new DevalueError( `Cannot stringify arbitrary non-POJOs`, keys ); } if (enumerable_symbols(thing).length > 0) { throw new DevalueError( `Cannot stringify POJOs with symbolic keys`, keys ); } if (Object.getPrototypeOf(thing) === null) { str = '["null"'; for (const key in thing) { keys.push(`.${key}`); str += `,${stringify_string(key)},${flatten(thing[key])}`; keys.pop(); } str += ']'; } else { str = '{'; let started = false; for (const key in thing) { if (started) str += ','; started = true; keys.push(`.${key}`); str += `${stringify_string(key)}:${flatten(thing[key])}`; keys.pop(); } str += '}'; } } } stringified[index] = str; return index; } const index = flatten(value); // special case — value is represented as a negative index if (index < 0) return `${index}`; return `[${stringified.join(',')}]`; } /** * @param {any} thing * @returns {string} */ function stringify_primitive(thing) { const type = typeof thing; if (type === 'string') return stringify_string(thing); if (thing instanceof String) return stringify_string(thing.toString()); if (thing === void 0) return UNDEFINED.toString(); if (thing === 0 && 1 / thing < 0) return NEGATIVE_ZERO.toString(); if (type === 'bigint') return `["BigInt","${thing}"]`; return String(thing); } export { BROWSER as B, DevalueError as D, HOLE as H, NAN as N, POSITIVE_INFINITY as P, UNDEFINED as U, is_plain_object as a, escaped as b, DEV as c, stringify as d, enumerable_symbols as e, NEGATIVE_INFINITY as f, get_type as g, NEGATIVE_ZERO as h, is_primitive as i, stringify_string as s }; //#