const internal = new URL("sveltekit-internal://"); function resolve(base, path) { if (path[0] === "/" && path[1] === "/") return path; let url = new URL(base, internal); url = new URL(path, url); return url.protocol === internal.protocol ? url.pathname + + url.hash : url.href; } function normalize_path(path, trailing_slash) { if (path === "/" || trailing_slash === "ignore") return path; if (trailing_slash === "never") { return path.endsWith("/") ? path.slice(0, -1) : path; } else if (trailing_slash === "always" && !path.endsWith("/")) { return path + "/"; } return path; } function decode_pathname(pathname) { return pathname.split("%25").map(decodeURI).join("%25"); } function decode_params(params) { for (const key in params) { params[key] = decodeURIComponent(params[key]); } return params; } const tracked_url_properties = ( /** @type {const} */ [ "href", "pathname", "search", "toString", "toJSON" ] ); function make_trackable(url, callback, search_params_callback) { const tracked = new URL(url); Object.defineProperty(tracked, "searchParams", { value: new Proxy(tracked.searchParams, { get(obj, key) { if (key === "get" || key === "getAll" || key === "has") { return (param) => { search_params_callback(param); return obj[key](param); }; } callback(); const value = Reflect.get(obj, key); return typeof value === "function" ? value.bind(obj) : value; } }), enumerable: true, configurable: true }); for (const property of tracked_url_properties) { Object.defineProperty(tracked, property, { get() { callback(); return url[property]; }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); } { tracked[Symbol.for("nodejs.util.inspect.custom")] = (depth, opts, inspect) => { return inspect(url, opts); }; } { disable_hash(tracked); } return tracked; } function disable_hash(url) { allow_nodejs_console_log(url); Object.defineProperty(url, "hash", { get() { throw new Error( "Cannot access event.url.hash. Consider using `$page.url.hash` inside a component instead" ); } }); } function disable_search(url) { allow_nodejs_console_log(url); for (const property of ["search", "searchParams"]) { Object.defineProperty(url, property, { get() { throw new Error(`Cannot access url.${property} on a page with prerendering enabled`); } }); } } function allow_nodejs_console_log(url) { { url[Symbol.for("nodejs.util.inspect.custom")] = (depth, opts, inspect) => { return inspect(new URL(url), opts); }; } } const DATA_SUFFIX = "/__data.json"; const HTML_DATA_SUFFIX = ".html__data.json"; function has_data_suffix(pathname) { return pathname.endsWith(DATA_SUFFIX) || pathname.endsWith(HTML_DATA_SUFFIX); } function add_data_suffix(pathname) { if (pathname.endsWith(".html")) return pathname.replace(/\.html$/, HTML_DATA_SUFFIX); return pathname.replace(/\/$/, "") + DATA_SUFFIX; } function strip_data_suffix(pathname) { if (pathname.endsWith(HTML_DATA_SUFFIX)) { return pathname.slice(0, -HTML_DATA_SUFFIX.length) + ".html"; } return pathname.slice(0, -DATA_SUFFIX.length); } const valid_layout_exports = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([ "load", "prerender", "csr", "ssr", "trailingSlash", "config" ]); /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([...valid_layout_exports, "entries"]); const valid_layout_server_exports = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([...valid_layout_exports]); /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([...valid_layout_server_exports, "actions", "entries"]); export { decode_params as a, disable_search as b, add_data_suffix as c, decode_pathname as d, has_data_suffix as h, make_trackable as m, normalize_path as n, resolve as r, strip_data_suffix as s }; //#