import { b as getContext } from './lifecycle-Cykl3Eqn.js'; import './exports-DuWZopOC.js'; function get(key, parse = JSON.parse) { try { return parse(sessionStorage[key]); } catch { } } const SNAPSHOT_KEY = "sveltekit:snapshot"; const SCROLL_KEY = "sveltekit:scroll"; get(SCROLL_KEY) ?? {}; get(SNAPSHOT_KEY) ?? {}; function invalidateAll() { { throw new Error("Cannot call invalidateAll() on the server"); } } async function applyAction(result) { { throw new Error("Cannot call applyAction(...) on the server"); } } const getStores = () => { const stores = getContext("__svelte__"); return { /** @type {typeof page} */ page: { subscribe: }, /** @type {typeof navigating} */ navigating: { subscribe: stores.navigating.subscribe }, /** @type {typeof updated} */ updated: stores.updated }; }; const page = { subscribe(fn) { const store = getStores().page; return store.subscribe(fn); } }; const navigating = { subscribe(fn) { const store = getStores().navigating; return store.subscribe(fn); } }; export { applyAction as a, invalidateAll as i, navigating as n, page as p }; //#