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2024-05-02 10:57:43 +00:00
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I was thinking about starting this video by singing the song Tik Tok by Kesha but I don't think anyone waking up in the morning feeling like P Diddy is a good vibe right now the United States has officially passed a law Banning Tik Tok next year if certain conditions aren't meant the bill actually gives parent company bite Dan 270 days to sell the app otherwise it'll be barred from us App Stores of course Android users could always just sideload the app but iOS users would be forever blocked from redownloading this specific flavor of heavy duty brain rot the not yet a ban passed as part of a larger foreign aid package in support of Ukraine and Israel they just snuck it in there like a mouse turd in a box of raisins Tik Tock has promised to fight the law in court calling it an unconstitutional suppression of its American users freedom of speech a freedom best expressed by lipsyncing along to a recording of a joke that somebody said even if bite dancece was willing to sell the sale might be blocked by China which imposes export restrictions on governing algorithms such as Tik toks further a sale or ban might not even protect American users from Chinese information collection given that the Chinese government can probably buy most of this information off the open market speaking of collecting information the US government also renewed the foreign intelligence surveillance act AKA fisa including an amendment M which has been criticized for expanding government surveillance without a warrant honestly the best possible outcome of this would be if the hot new Teen Trend was a dance craze criticizing lack of judicial oversight for federal intelligence agencies let's make it happen let's go guys Qualcomm has officially unveiled its full upcoming lineup of Snapdragon X Series CPUs including a list of names that look like qualcomm's marketing head passed out on the keyboard their Top Model is the X 1 e- 84-100 the X standing for X the one indicating the chips generation the E standing for elite the 84 being the skew and the 100 standing for nothing no really it it doesn't mean anything at least not yet that section of the name is reserved for future use so all of the names currently end in 100 wouldn't you stick 100 on the end of something for if you wanted to yeah my child baby 100 baby 100 it's not clear why the names would need to be so complicated when there's a grand total of four chips only one of which even falls into the lower tier plus category while the Plus Sports 10 cores the three Elite chips all have 12 with the top two models the x1e 84 and x180 coming with dual core boost at 4.2 and 4 GHz respectively that's actually a 0.1 GH gz drop from what was originally promised for the X1 84 but what's a tenth of a GHz between friends what's important is that we're overthrowing the x86 Windows ecosystem okay that's stay focused it has been a terrible first quarter for Tesla in part because it's profit margin shrank by 55% and sales dropped by 85% despite substantial price cuts the company now has an excess of stock and a shortage of cash which makes this an absolutely terrible time for the public to find out that the Cyber truck isn't even waterproof how at least one owner claims to have accidentally bricked his ride by taking it through the car wash and hosing sand out of the truck's bed without setting his vehicle to Car Wash mode first rookie mistake leading the vehicle's infotainment system to die like a smartphone after being dropped in the toilet while the rest of the truck is technically operational the cyber truck incorporates several key gauges such as its battery level and speedometer into its digital display which was dead worse it's almost impossible to see out of the Cyber truck's narrow rear window at the best of times and when the truck bed is closed the cover blocks the window completely that means that the drivers are wholly dependent on the rear camera whose feed is is also part of the digital display so