WEBVTT Kind: captions Language: en 00:00:11.370 --> 00:00:14.669 align:start position:0% [Music] 00:00:14.669 --> 00:00:14.679 align:start position:0% 00:00:14.679 --> 00:00:16.590 align:start position:0% I<00:00:14.759> am<00:00:14.960> very<00:00:15.200> happy<00:00:15.440> to<00:00:15.679> say<00:00:16.119> that<00:00:16.279> thanks<00:00:16.440> to 00:00:16.590 --> 00:00:16.600 align:start position:0% I am very happy to say that thanks to 00:00:16.600 --> 00:00:19.070 align:start position:0% I am very happy to say that thanks to the<00:00:16.720> hard<00:00:16.920> work<00:00:17.160> of<00:00:17.400> IMS<00:00:18.039> null<00:00:18.520> and<00:00:18.720> several 00:00:19.070 --> 00:00:19.080 align:start position:0% the hard work of IMS null and several 00:00:19.080 --> 00:00:21.230 align:start position:0% the hard work of IMS null and several other<00:00:19.400> Iris<00:00:19.680> Shader<00:00:20.080> devs<00:00:20.760> our<00:00:20.960> most 00:00:21.230 --> 00:00:21.240 align:start position:0% other Iris Shader devs our most 00:00:21.240 --> 00:00:22.870 align:start position:0% other Iris Shader devs our most requested<00:00:21.680> feature<00:00:22.039> is<00:00:22.199> now<00:00:22.400> finally 00:00:22.870 --> 00:00:22.880 align:start position:0% requested feature is now finally 00:00:22.880 --> 00:00:26.349 align:start position:0% requested feature is now finally available<00:00:23.880> as<00:00:24.039> of<00:00:24.240> Iris<00:00:24.599> 1.7<00:00:25.560> Iris<00:00:25.960> now<00:00:26.160> has 00:00:26.349 --> 00:00:26.359 align:start position:0% available as of Iris 1.7 Iris now has 00:00:26.359 --> 00:00:29.230 align:start position:0% available as of Iris 1.7 Iris now has full<00:00:26.640> DH<00:00:27.240> support<00:00:28.240> this<00:00:28.359> means<00:00:28.640> that<00:00:28.800> shaders 00:00:29.230 --> 00:00:29.240 align:start position:0% full DH support this means that shaders 00:00:29.240 --> 00:00:31.550 align:start position:0% full DH support this means that shaders designed<00:00:29.560> with<00:00:29.720> DH<00:00:30.160> in<00:00:30.279> mind<00:00:30.599> will<00:00:30.759> render<00:00:31.080> LOD 00:00:31.550 --> 00:00:31.560 align:start position:0% designed with DH in mind will render LOD 00:00:31.560 --> 00:00:33.510 align:start position:0% designed with DH in mind will render LOD seamlessly<00:00:32.079> with<00:00:32.239> vanilla 00:00:33.510 --> 00:00:33.520 align:start position:0% seamlessly with vanilla 00:00:33.520 --> 00:00:36.069 align:start position:0% seamlessly with vanilla chunks<00:00:34.520> in<00:00:34.640> order<00:00:34.840> for<00:00:35.040> Iris<00:00:35.360> to<00:00:35.520> add<00:00:35.680> DH 00:00:36.069 --> 00:00:36.079 align:start position:0% chunks in order for Iris to add DH 00:00:36.079 --> 00:00:38.510 align:start position:0% chunks in order for Iris to add DH support<00:00:36.600> the<00:00:36.760> DH<00:00:37.239> API<00:00:37.680> has<00:00:37.800> been<00:00:38.000> updated<00:00:38.360> with 00:00:38.510 --> 00:00:38.520 align:start position:0% support the DH API has been updated with 00:00:38.520 --> 00:00:41.150 align:start position:0% support the DH API has been updated with several<00:00:38.800> new<00:00:38.920> methods<00:00:39.239> and<00:00:39.719> objects<00:00:40.719> however 00:00:41.150 --> 00:00:41.160 align:start position:0% several new methods and objects however 00:00:41.160 --> 00:00:43.830 align:start position:0% several new methods and objects however there<00:00:41.280> were<00:00:41.559> also<00:00:41.960> several<00:00:42.320> breaking<00:00:42.840> changes 00:00:43.830 --> 00:00:43.840 align:start position:0% there were also several breaking changes 00:00:43.840 --> 00:00:45.590 align:start position:0% there were also several breaking changes most<00:00:44.079> of<00:00:44.280> which<00:00:44.399> were<00:00:44.559> due<00:00:44.760> to<00:00:44.879> mistakes<00:00:45.200> on<00:00:45.399> my 00:00:45.590 --> 00:00:45.600 align:start position:0% most of which were due to mistakes on my 00:00:45.600 --> 00:00:48.630 align:start position:0% most of which were due to mistakes on my end<00:00:46.079> due<00:00:46.239> to<00:00:46.399> misnaming<00:00:46.879> a<00:00:47.000> bunch<00:00:47.160> of<00:00:47.640> objects 00:00:48.630 --> 00:00:48.640 align:start position:0% end due to misnaming a bunch of objects 00:00:48.640 --> 00:00:51.310 align:start position:0% end due to misnaming a bunch of objects sorry<00:00:48.960> about<00:00:49.280> that<00:00:50.280> the<00:00:50.399> full<00:00:50.640> list<00:00:50.800> of<00:00:50.960> API 00:00:51.310 --> 00:00:51.320 align:start position:0% sorry about that the full list of API 00:00:51.320 --> 00:00:53.430 align:start position:0% sorry about that the full list of API changes<00:00:51.640> are<00:00:51.800> linked<00:00:52.039> in<00:00:52.160> the<00:00:52.280> description 00:00:53.430 --> 00:00:53.440 align:start position:0% changes are linked in the description 00:00:53.440 --> 00:00:55.990 align:start position:0% changes are linked in the description below<00:00:54.440> along<00:00:54.680> with<00:00:54.879> those<00:00:55.039> two<00:00:55.239> major<00:00:55.520> changes 00:00:55.990 --> 00:00:56.000 align:start position:0% below along with those two major changes 00:00:56.000 --> 00:00:59.389 align:start position:0% below along with those two major changes DH<00:00:56.520> now<00:00:56.680> supports<00:00:57.079> Minecraft<00:00:57.520> versions<00:00:58.399> 1.2.2 00:00:59.389 --> 00:00:59.399 align:start position:0% DH now supports Minecraft versions 1.2.2 00:00:59.399 --> 00:01:03.590 align:start position:0% DH now supports Minecraft versions 1.2.2 1<00:01:00.000> 20.4<00:01:00.760> and<00:01:00.960> 1<00:01:01.640> 1206<00:01:02.640> bringing<00:01:02.960> the<00:01:03.199> supported 00:01:03.590 --> 00:01:03.600 align:start position:0% 1 20.4 and 1 1206 bringing the supported 00:01:03.600 --> 00:01:05.789 align:start position:0% 1 20.4 and 1 1206 bringing the supported version<00:01:03.960> count<00:01:04.239> up<00:01:04.360> to 00:01:05.789 --> 00:01:05.799 align:start position:0% version count up to 00:01:05.799 --> 00:01:08.670 align:start position:0% version count up to 9<00:01:06.799> moving<00:01:07.119> along<00:01:07.759> there<00:01:07.960> were<00:01:08.240> several 00:01:08.670 --> 00:01:08.680 align:start position:0% 9 moving along there were several 00:01:08.680 --> 00:01:10.670 align:start position:0% 9 moving along there were several graphical<00:01:09.119> improvements<00:01:09.640> for<00:01:09.840> your<00:01:10.119> viewing 00:01:10.670 --> 00:01:10.680 align:start position:0% graphical improvements for your viewing 00:01:10.680 --> 00:01:13.109 align:start position:0% graphical improvements for your viewing pleasure<00:01:11.680> first<00:01:11.920> and<00:01:12.080> foremost<00:01:12.759> Hollow 00:01:13.109 --> 00:01:13.119 align:start position:0% pleasure first and foremost Hollow 00:01:13.119 --> 00:01:14.630 align:start position:0% pleasure first and foremost Hollow structures<00:01:13.560> will<00:01:13.759> no<00:01:13.920> longer<00:01:14.200> turn<00:01:14.400> into 00:01:14.630 --> 00:01:14.640 align:start position:0% structures will no longer turn into 00:01:14.640 --> 00:01:17.950 align:start position:0% structures will no longer turn into swiss<00:01:15.000> cheese<00:01:15.400> at<00:01:15.560> lower<00:01:15.840> detail 00:01:17.950 --> 00:01:17.960 align:start position:0% swiss cheese at lower detail 00:01:17.960 --> 00:01:20.190 align:start position:0% swiss cheese at lower detail levels<00:01:18.960> in<00:01:19.040> order<00:01:19.280> to<00:01:19.439> help<00:01:19.680> smooth<00:01:20.040> the 00:01:20.190 --> 00:01:20.200 align:start position:0% levels in order to help smooth the 00:01:20.200 --> 00:01:22.149 align:start position:0% levels in order to help smooth the transition<00:01:20.799> between<00:01:21.159> vanilla<00:01:21.600> and<00:01:21.720> LOD 00:01:22.149 --> 00:01:22.159 align:start position:0% transition between vanilla and LOD 00:01:22.159 --> 00:01:26.030 align:start position:0% transition between vanilla and LOD chunks<00:01:22.880> grass<00:01:23.159> will<00:01:23.360> now<00:01:23.520> fade<00:01:23.799> from<00:01:24.079> green<00:01:24.360> to 00:01:26.030 --> 00:01:26.040 align:start position:0% chunks grass will now fade from green to 00:01:26.040 --> 00:01:28.510 align:start position:0% chunks grass will now fade from green to Brown<00:01:27.040> well<00:01:27.200> I<00:01:27.320> don't<00:01:27.560> recommend<00:01:28.040> using<00:01:28.360> this 00:01:28.510 --> 00:01:28.520 align:start position:0% Brown well I don't recommend using this 00:01:28.520 --> 00:01:29.950 align:start position:0% Brown well I don't recommend using this setting<00:01:28.840> unless<00:01:29.119> you<00:01:29.240> want<00:01:29.360> to<00:01:29.479> stretch<00:01:29.759> your 00:01:29.950 --> 00:01:29.960 align:start position:0% setting unless you want to stretch your 00:01:29.960 --> 00:01:32.469 align:start position:0% setting unless you want to stretch your your<00:01:30.079> GPU<00:01:30.439> to<00:01:30.600> the<00:01:30.759> max<00:01:31.479> you<00:01:31.640> can<00:01:31.880> now<00:01:32.040> render 00:01:32.469 --> 00:01:32.479 align:start position:0% your GPU to the max you can now render 00:01:32.479 --> 00:01:34.310 align:start position:0% your GPU to the max you can now render vertical<00:01:32.960> structures<00:01:33.439> like<00:01:33.640> pixelart<00:01:34.159> with 00:01:34.310 --> 00:01:34.320 align:start position:0% vertical structures like pixelart with 00:01:34.320 --> 00:01:38.429 align:start position:0% vertical structures like pixelart with almost<00:01:34.680> no<00:01:34.920> quality 00:01:38.429 --> 00:01:38.439 align:start position:0% 00:01:38.439 --> 00:01:40.990 align:start position:0% loss<00:01:39.439> along<00:01:39.759> with<00:01:39.920> all<00:01:40.200> those<00:01:40.399> new<00:01:40.640> visual 00:01:40.990 --> 00:01:41.000 align:start position:0% loss along with all those new visual 00:01:41.000 --> 00:01:43.230 align:start position:0% loss along with all those new visual changes<00:01:41.640> there<00:01:41.759> were<00:01:42.040> several<00:01:42.479> large<00:01:42.840> backend 00:01:43.230 --> 00:01:43.240 align:start position:0% changes there were several large backend 00:01:43.240 --> 00:01:45.590 align:start position:0% changes there were several large backend changes<00:01:43.640> as<00:01:43.799> well<00:01:44.520> the<00:01:44.680> largest<00:01:45.040> of<00:01:45.240> which<00:01:45.439> was 00:01:45.590 --> 00:01:45.600 align:start position:0% changes as well the largest of which was 00:01:45.600 --> 00:01:48.190 align:start position:0% changes as well the largest of which was the<00:01:45.880> change<00:01:46.159> to<00:01:46.360> dh's<00:01:47.040> database<00:01:47.520> format<00:01:48.040> to 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00:02:02.950 align:start position:0% if you generated a lot of lods and have a<00:02:00.920> large 00:02:02.950 --> 00:02:02.960 align:start position:0% a large 00:02:02.960 --> 00:02:05.550 align:start position:0% a large database<00:02:03.960> one<00:02:04.119> of<00:02:04.360> those<00:02:04.600> issues<00:02:05.200> was<00:02:05.399> with 00:02:05.550 --> 00:02:05.560 align:start position:0% database one of those issues was with 00:02:05.560 --> 00:02:07.709 align:start position:0% database one of those issues was with World<00:02:05.840> gen<00:02:06.520> the<00:02:06.640> old<00:02:06.880> format<00:02:07.280> had<00:02:07.399> trouble 00:02:07.709 --> 00:02:07.719 align:start position:0% World gen the old format had trouble 00:02:07.719 --> 00:02:09.790 align:start position:0% World gen the old format had trouble determining<00:02:08.319> which<00:02:08.479> lods<00:02:09.039> were<00:02:09.319> or<00:02:09.479> weren't 00:02:09.790 --> 00:02:09.800 align:start position:0% determining which lods were or weren't 00:02:09.800 --> 00:02:11.949 align:start position:0% determining which lods were or weren't generated<00:02:10.679> which<00:02:10.920> caused<00:02:11.319> problems<00:02:11.680> like 00:02:11.949 --> 00:02:11.959 align:start position:0% generated which caused problems like 00:02:11.959 --> 00:02:15.589 align:start position:0% generated which caused problems like this<00:02:12.800> or<00:02:13.120> generating<00:02:13.560> areas<00:02:14.120> twice<00:02:15.120> luckily 00:02:15.589 --> 00:02:15.599 align:start position:0% this or generating areas twice luckily 00:02:15.599 --> 00:02:17.110 align:start position:0% this or generating areas twice luckily those<00:02:15.879> problems<00:02:16.120> are<00:02:16.319> both<00:02:16.519> solved<00:02:16.879> with<00:02:17.000> the 00:02:17.110 --> 00:02:17.120 align:start position:0% those problems are both solved with the 00:02:17.120 --> 00:02:19.790 align:start position:0% those problems are both solved with the new<00:02:17.319> system<00:02:18.280> and<00:02:18.440> as<00:02:18.560> a<00:02:18.720> nice<00:02:18.920> bonus<00:02:19.400> the<00:02:19.480> world 00:02:19.790 --> 00:02:19.800 align:start position:0% new system and as a nice bonus the world 00:02:19.800 --> 00:02:21.470 align:start position:0% new system and as a nice bonus the world generator<00:02:20.239> now<00:02:20.440> handles<00:02:20.800> extreme<00:02:21.120> render 00:02:21.470 --> 00:02:21.480 align:start position:0% generator now handles extreme render 00:02:21.480 --> 00:02:24.110 align:start position:0% generator now handles extreme render distances<00:02:22.120> much<00:02:22.360> better<00:02:23.360> so<00:02:23.599> if<00:02:23.720> you<00:02:23.879> want<00:02:24.000> to 00:02:24.110 --> 00:02:24.120 align:start position:0% distances much better so if you want to 00:02:24.120 --> 00:02:25.830 align:start position:0% distances much better so if you want to wait<00:02:24.319> the<00:02:24.440> 30<00:02:24.760> hours<00:02:25.080> to<00:02:25.239> generate<00:02:25.599> all<00:02:25.760> the 00:02:25.830 --> 00:02:25.840 align:start position:0% wait the 30 hours to generate all the 00:02:25.840 --> 00:02:28.710 align:start position:0% wait the 30 hours to generate all the way<00:02:25.959> out<00:02:26.080> to<00:02:26.239> 1024<00:02:26.840> render<00:02:27.200> distance<00:02:28.040> DH<00:02:28.519> will 00:02:28.710 --> 00:02:28.720 align:start position:0% way out to 1024 render distance DH will 00:02:28.720 --> 00:02:31.990 align:start position:0% way out to 1024 render distance DH will work<00:02:29.120> much<00:02:29.400> better 00:02:31.990 --> 00:02:32.000 align:start position:0% 00:02:32.000 --> 00:02:33.790 align:start position:0% along<00:02:32.239> with<00:02:32.360> the<00:02:32.480> new<00:02:32.640> world<00:02:32.879> gen<00:02:33.160> handling<00:02:33.640> we 00:02:33.790 --> 00:02:33.800 align:start position:0% along with the new world gen handling we 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aware<00:02:42.239> that<00:02:42.400> this<00:02:42.519> reduction 00:02:42.949 --> 00:02:42.959 align:start position:0% dh2 just be aware that this reduction 00:02:42.959 --> 00:02:44.990 align:start position:0% dh2 just be aware that this reduction won't<00:02:43.200> be<00:02:43.319> seen<00:02:43.560> for<00:02:43.760> old<00:02:44.000> migrated<00:02:44.480> worlds 00:02:44.990 --> 00:02:45.000 align:start position:0% won't be seen for old migrated worlds 00:02:45.000 --> 00:02:46.630 align:start position:0% won't be seen for old migrated worlds because<00:02:45.239> the<00:02:45.360> process<00:02:45.680> to<00:02:45.920> vacuum<00:02:46.239> a<00:02:46.360> large 00:02:46.630 --> 00:02:46.640 align:start position:0% because the process to vacuum a large 00:02:46.640 --> 00:02:49.030 align:start position:0% because the process to vacuum a large database<00:02:47.040> can<00:02:47.200> take<00:02:47.480> tens<00:02:47.760> of<00:02:47.959> minutes<00:02:48.800> and<00:02:48.920> we 00:02:49.030 --> 00:02:49.040 align:start position:0% database can take tens of minutes and we 00:02:49.040 --> 00:02:50.550 align:start position:0% database can take tens of minutes and we don't<00:02:49.200> want<00:02:49.280> to<00:02:49.440> make<00:02:49.599> you<00:02:49.800> wait<00:02:50.080> that<00:02:50.239> long<00:02:50.440> to 00:02:50.550 --> 00:02:50.560 align:start position:0% don't want to make you wait that long to 00:02:50.560 --> 00:02:52.110 align:start position:0% don't want to make you wait that long to load<00:02:50.800> into<00:02:51.000> a 00:02:52.110 --> 00:02:52.120 align:start position:0% load into a 00:02:52.120 --> 00:02:54.270 align:start position:0% load into a world<00:02:53.120> continuing<00:02:53.640> with<00:02:53.760> the<00:02:53.920> backend 00:02:54.270 --> 00:02:54.280 align:start position:0% world continuing with the backend 00:02:54.280 --> 00:02:55.910 align:start position:0% world continuing with the backend changes<00:02:54.920> we<00:02:55.040> have<00:02:55.159> a<00:02:55.280> few<00:02:55.519> performance 00:02:55.910 --> 00:02:55.920 align:start position:0% changes we have a few performance 00:02:55.920 --> 00:02:57.309 align:start position:0% changes we have a few performance improvements<00:02:56.360> y'all<00:02:56.560> will<00:02:56.680> be<00:02:56.840> very<00:02:57.000> excited 00:02:57.309 --> 00:02:57.319 align:start position:0% improvements y'all will be very excited 00:02:57.319 --> 00:03:00.070 align:start position:0% improvements y'all will be very excited to<00:02:57.440> hear<00:02:57.599> about<00:02:58.599> DH<00:02:59.040> is<00:02:59.200> now<00:02:59.360> significant<00:03:00.000> L 00:03:00.070 --> 00:03:00.080 align:start position:0% to hear about DH is now significant L 00:03:00.080 --> 00:03:02.670 align:start position:0% to hear about DH is now significant L more<00:03:00.200> memory<00:03:00.519> efficient<00:03:01.440> you<00:03:01.560> can<00:03:01.720> run<00:03:02.040> 512 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2 GB of memory although 00:03:09.360 --> 00:03:11.390 align:start position:0% all with only 2 GB of memory although I'd<00:03:09.560> still<00:03:09.840> recommend<00:03:10.239> four<00:03:10.519> or<00:03:10.760> more 00:03:11.390 --> 00:03:11.400 align:start position:0% I'd still recommend four or more 00:03:11.400 --> 00:03:12.750 align:start position:0% I'd still recommend four or more especially<00:03:11.799> if<00:03:11.879> you<00:03:12.000> want<00:03:12.120> to<00:03:12.239> run<00:03:12.400> the<00:03:12.519> world 00:03:12.750 --> 00:03:12.760 align:start position:0% especially if you want to run the world 00:03:12.760 --> 00:03:14.710 align:start position:0% especially if you want to run the world generator<00:03:13.560> since<00:03:13.840> that<00:03:14.000> uses<00:03:14.319> Minecraft 00:03:14.710 --> 00:03:14.720 align:start position:0% generator since that uses Minecraft 00:03:14.720 --> 00:03:16.630 align:start position:0% generator since that uses Minecraft world<00:03:14.959> gen<00:03:15.200> code<00:03:15.640> which<00:03:15.799> is<00:03:16.000> still<00:03:16.360> pretty 00:03:16.630 --> 00:03:16.640 align:start position:0% world gen code which is still pretty 00:03:16.640 --> 00:03:19.509 align:start position:0% world gen code which is still pretty memory 00:03:19.509 --> 00:03:19.519 align:start position:0% 00:03:19.519 --> 00:03:22.350 align:start position:0% hungry<00:03:20.519> lastly<00:03:21.040> but<00:03:21.159> certainly<00:03:21.519> not<00:03:21.760> least 00:03:22.350 --> 00:03:22.360 align:start position:0% hungry lastly but certainly not least 00:03:22.360 --> 00:03:24.149 align:start position:0% hungry lastly but certainly not least thanks<00:03:22.560> to<00:03:22.720> null's<00:03:23.159> hard<00:03:23.360> work<00:03:23.680> we<00:03:23.879> now<00:03:24.040> have 00:03:24.149 --> 00:03:24.159 align:start position:0% thanks to null's hard work we now have 00:03:24.159 --> 00:03:25.990 align:start position:0% thanks to null's hard work we now have frustum<00:03:24.599> calling<00:03:25.319> which<00:03:25.480> means<00:03:25.680> you<00:03:25.799> can 00:03:25.990 --> 00:03:26.000 align:start position:0% frustum calling which means you can 00:03:26.000 --> 00:03:29.010 align:start position:0% frustum calling which means you can expect<00:03:26.280> a<00:03:26.519> significant<00:03:27.120> FPS<00:03:27.560> Improvement 00:03:29.010 --> 00:03:29.020 align:start position:0% expect a significant FPS Improvement 00:03:29.020 --> 00:03:30.750 align:start position:0% expect a significant FPS Improvement [Music] 00:03:30.750 --> 00:03:30.760 align:start position:0% [Music] 00:03:30.760 --> 00:03:32.270 align:start position:0% [Music] apologies<00:03:31.200> for<00:03:31.360> the<00:03:31.480> long<00:03:31.720> time<00:03:31.959> between 00:03:32.270 --> 00:03:32.280 align:start position:0% apologies for the long time between 00:03:32.280 --> 00:03:34.270 align:start position:0% apologies for the long time between updates<00:03:33.000> I<00:03:33.080> was<00:03:33.239> hoping<00:03:33.480> to<00:03:33.599> have<00:03:33.720> a<00:03:33.879> smaller 00:03:34.270 --> 00:03:34.280 align:start position:0% updates I was hoping to have a smaller 00:03:34.280 --> 00:03:36.710 align:start position:0% updates I was hoping to have a smaller update<00:03:34.599> out<00:03:34.799> much<00:03:35.000> sooner<00:03:35.840> but<00:03:36.080> the<00:03:36.159> world<00:03:36.439> gen 00:03:36.710 --> 00:03:36.720 align:start position:0% update out much sooner but the world gen 00:03:36.720 --> 00:03:38.309 align:start position:0% update out much sooner but the world gen and<00:03:36.879> file<00:03:37.159> size<00:03:37.400> issues<00:03:37.760> ended<00:03:37.959> up<00:03:38.080> being 00:03:38.309 --> 00:03:38.319 align:start position:0% and file size issues ended up being 00:03:38.319 --> 00:03:40.070 align:start position:0% and file size issues ended up being something<00:03:38.599> I<00:03:38.720> couldn't<00:03:39.040> ignore<00:03:39.599> which<00:03:39.840> both 00:03:40.070 --> 00:03:40.080 align:start position:0% something I couldn't ignore which both 00:03:40.080 --> 00:03:41.949 align:start position:0% something I couldn't ignore which both required<00:03:40.599> major<00:03:40.959> changes<00:03:41.360> that<00:03:41.480> took<00:03:41.680> months 00:03:41.949 --> 00:03:41.959 align:start position:0% required major changes that took months 00:03:41.959 --> 00:03:44.550 align:start position:0% required major changes that took months to<00:03:42.280> finish<00:03:43.280> it<00:03:43.400> would<00:03:43.519> have<00:03:43.640> been<00:03:43.840> much<00:03:44.120> faster 00:03:44.550 --> 00:03:44.560 align:start position:0% to finish it would have been much faster 00:03:44.560 --> 00:03:46.229 align:start position:0% to finish it would have been much faster if<00:03:44.680> I<00:03:44.760> could<00:03:44.920> do<00:03:45.040> this 00:03:46.229 --> 00:03:46.239 align:start position:0% if I could do this 00:03:46.239 --> 00:03:48.070 align:start position:0% if I could do this full-time 00:03:48.070 --> 00:03:48.080 align:start position:0% full-time 00:03:48.080 --> 00:03:54.830 align:start position:0% full-time H<00:03:49.080> hey<00:03:49.319> Mojang<00:03:50.319> are<00:03:50.439> you<00:03:50.640> hiring 00:03:54.830 --> 00:03:54.840 align:start position:0% 00:03:54.840 --> 00:04:25.870 align:start position:0% [Music] 00:04:25.870 --> 00:04:25.880 align:start position:0% [Music] 00:04:25.880 --> 00:04:28.189 align:start position:0% [Music] I'm<00:04:26.880> call<00:04:27.199> me 00:04:28.189 --> 00:04:28.199 align:start position:0% I'm call me 00:04:28.199 --> 00:04:32.880 align:start position:0% I'm call me down<00:04:29.199> so<00:04:29.880> more